This Christmas season has been a busy one! Last weekend while shooting a wedding I was asked if money weren't an issue what would I love to shoot, just for me. Of course I would love to travel across the world and photograph some amazing things but simply being in my kitchen can take me far far away. At 5:45 this morning I woke up and decided to make christmas cookies. The dough was already made and waiting on me in the fridge. For those of you who know me, this is very abnormal behavior :). Five and a half hours later some wonderfully fun goodies were reddy to be delivered. Most people say that it takes to much time and that it's too complicated. For me it's a way to do what I want to do, de stress and enjoy. As a bonus I get to share my creations and put smiles on other's faces. I haven't blogged in forever and I thought there are to many steps to this cookie process but I wanted to share the end outcome anyway. If any of you want to know what recipes I used leave a comment and I would love to share. Or you just want tips, I would love to help you out!
A few years back, 2006 to be exact, I bought this Martha Stewart Magazine and it has been one of my best buys ever. With over a 100 cookie recipes in it and tips on how to package them in cute little ways, I tend to visit this one each year to make the gingerbread snowflakes shown on the front cover.

Happy Baking and Merry Christmas!